GAMERA – ガメラ – غاميرا

Gamera is a giant, flying turtle from a popular series of  kaiju (Japanese giant monster) films produced by Daiei Motion Picture Company in Japan. Gamera made his first appearance in 1965’s Gamera, which was also the only Gamera film to be in black-and-white. Subsequent films, usually directed by Noriaki Yuasa and written by Nisan Takahashi, quickly became a big hit with children, who loved watching Gamera fight monsters. A seventh sequel was slated for a 1972 release, tentatively titled Gamera vs. Garasharp. Gross mismanagement of Daiei, however, put the company into bankruptcy, and the Gamera films were forced to cease production. After Daiei was purchased by Tokuma Shoten in 1974, the new management wanted to do a new Gamera film in 1980, so Gamera: Super Monster was produced. More

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